Can anyone fly a Paraglider ?

Captain Sovit
2 min readJun 17, 2023


Before reading this Blog, I request you to visit my youtube. I have posted some videos showing the days when I did my P3 paragliding training in Syangja. I have posted flights, random vlogs and some fun moments. Everything to promote general flying and recreational flight adventures.

While typing this blog, I only have P3 beginner rating and merely 25 flights done on a paraglider. All the flights done from only 2 familiar places and with the help of radio from instructors. And logically, I can only fly a beginner (EN-A) glider.

Now, this being said,

Can ANYONE fly a Paraglider ?

Well, no.

I know my dharma is to promote this form of aviation and make it reach general public but there are some factors that needs to be understood. I would be the happiest person if I see general people fly for leisure but no matter why we fly, it is still aviation. It still creates a huge responsibility for us.

Although it seems fun to fly around the clouds and shout “woohooo” in the air, as a paraglider pilot we have to have discipline to bear the responsibility of ourselves, of surrounding people, objects, animals, our glider, other pilots and everything that is seen around. And still, thats not enough.

It is a fact that there are very less accidents in the air but its a recreational sports. It is very risky if you don’t do it right. So, not everyone can fly. Especially someone with fear of heights. It is strictly not for them until they can fly tandem with no problem. Adding up, stupid people should not fly. Stupidity, arrogance, angriness, these things will kill us and I am not trying to be philosophical here, I am dead serious. Flying is for nice and happy people.

The bottom line is. We should not force flying for someone. It is true that there is a population who can fly but aren’t aware. It is our duty to aware them about flying. We will tell “them” that “anyone can fly” and it will make sense. But I won’t ever push my friends to fly knowing they are not made for it.

Stay tuned.



Captain Sovit

A guy who thinks there are plenty of things which are yet to be discovered in Nepalese Sky