Captain Sovit. Why ?

Captain Sovit
10 min readApr 14, 2023


In this Blog, you will read about me and my Plan. This blog will be the only MEDIUM where I will be completely open about my History And Plans.

August 23rd 2000, I remember nothing. I was born in a poor family as a kid. But in that age, I would know nothing about money, demands, needs and life. Everything that is called “struggle” was witnessed solely by my parents because as I slowly grew up, so did the economic status of the family. I had a sister (on the left). Every quality you would need in a sister, she had it.

All my friends were nice, uplifting and real. Childhood was easy and perfect. Never slept hungry stomach. In school, I had straight “A” for years. Never smoked a puff, never drank a drop. I never had any bad accident, never got unnecessarily unhealthy or sick. My needs were “always” fulfilled. I was liked by everyone. I had no enemies. I feel that I was raised just as perfectly as every lucky one should be.

When I became little older, I slowly understood that money was driving the society. At the end of every rope, there was money. Money to eat, money to sleep and money to have fun. I was intoxicated by the social structure to be a chaser of green papers from a very early age. To explain my teenage, I will have to be more boastful here. A good singer, nice dancer, great actor and a weird comedian, I was a lovable kid.

But life was not always like that. Slowly, I felt that one day, it has to be all me and slowly, I felt the urge to earn money in life. And then, earning money was the only aim in my life during my teenage. I started reading books. Business, stock market, money, trading, investments, forex, commodities, gold, real state, service, everything that I found, I read. I started trading stocks and at the age of 19, I had a physically written plan to open a business and to take it public.

I still have that plan somewhere in the back of my head but now I am matured enough to know that it’s not my cup of tea. After I chose science stream in my +2, my mind shifted towards law of universe and planets. Just my mind shifted, I was still on my feet, not my cup of tea either. Dad had sent me to capital to be a doctor. I betrayed him by removing biology from my subject. To be a doctor needs some sort of penance (tapasya). I was light years away from that dedication. I needed to think.

I always liked airplanes. I mean, everyone does. But “being a pilot” was a different dimension in my head. I thought that the job was not made for Nepalis. It was such a big deal for me when I was young. But when someone told me that it takes one and a half year and even a monkey can fly airplanes if trained accordingly, I couldn’t stop myself from indulging into the world of aviation. Pilot, that’s what I wanted to be. Fly cool planes, look cool and no more 10 years of studying.

Back in my younger age, I used to watch a show called “Story yellers” on youtube. I liked how people proudly yelled their story about how they nailed what they did. To be there was one of my dreams and somewhere inside me, it still is. Imagining myself in that stage, I used to deliver a speech in my head. In the imagination, I started by introducing myself and then I told my story. It used to be a great make-believe speech but something was always missing.

All the celebrities and successful people in that stage yelled how they won despite their life being so difficult. For me, in my imagination, I was a guy who got EVERYTHING from their parents. My life was like a big factory where I was first a naked item and slowly it got polished, sprayed, wrapped, packed and taped by machines. There could be anything on my position and it would end up being the same nice box at the end. My parents were the machines. I had nothing to say on that stage.

I was happy, I always got what I wanted, I had freedom, I had fun, I had friends, I had what not. I got A’s not because of my hard work, I was just born to pass exams and get A’s without working hard (I don’t know how else to say that I was born smart without sounding arrogant). It was all natural. There was nothing from my side. I was always loved by everyone. I had done nothing to be in that position. I got to date my highschool sweetheart. Even our breakup was a happy one. Life got me no hurdles to teach me how to stand again. A good singer, nice dancer, great actor and a weird comedian, I was a freaking lovable kid. And this realization was the greatest turning point in my life. I “Did Not” wanted it this easy.

Anyone on my position could have done it. Because there was no struggle in my life. I got everything. Now even if I become a professional pilot, that is not worth it. Being born in such a privileged family, I couldn’t imagine seeing myself where every Ram, Shyam and Hari could be if they were given the opportunities. I wanted to aim to the moon. And so I did. I risked everything.


I was in confusion. Although I had loved aeroplanes since my childhood, aviation was still an undiscovered land for me. Loving aeroplanes and flying them are two different things. And even if I would fly them, there was a fear that I won’t be satisfied with being a pilot, just a pilot. I had to make things harder for me. I started making plans. One plan would supercede the other. They were getting clearer and clearer, better and better. They were being more difficult to acomplish.

I was an extrovert, and I wanted to use that nature of mine to be in my benefit. With Sisan Daa’s Vlogs motivating me and Trent Palmer’s and Tucker Gott’s influence pushing me even more further, I started vlogging. To be a pilot vlogger was my plan. I struggled getting the hang of the camera and managing time to edit. I struggled learning new ways to make videos. But with the time, that also went easy. I had to have some plans that would require more sweat. So I started to improve my plans one after the other. Now, although these plans might look different and confusing, they are rock steady and engraved in my mind. It might not look perfectly aligned with logic, but I will write what goes on my mind here. This is my Sambidhan.

  • To be the proper “first student pilot vlogger from Nepal” to vlog in the air talking in Nepali. Vlogs to be made educational and entertaining. They will be consistent regardless of views and appreciation.
  • To establish a proper flying culture in Nepal by educating people through youtube about aviation. Awareness and educational videos will be made to make all kinds of people aware of all kinds of modes of aviation.
  • To promote general aviation. This is a major one. I will write about it separately below.
  • To promote tourism. This is a by-product. This will also be explained below.
  • To introduce and actively work to enable all modes of aviation to be normally operated in the Nepalese Sky without any sense of surprise to normal people.
  • To make Nepalese know that they all have wings. They have all the rights, ability and reach to fly.
  • (More can be added if above written plans are found to be a piece of a cake for the writer)


The story will be continued here.
My parents are not poor, but they aren’t rich either. Pilot training for me was the marginal thing they could afford in our family. There is no mistake to be done. It’s like, we won’t come to the road if I miss the shot, but that will be a huge burden to me and my mamu baba forever. But still, I had to make things harder just to make my life make more sense to live. I never wanted to “just survive”. So my plan is to Promote General Aviation and for that, I have to ignore the social pressure and let go of the urge to fly airlines. This sounds so weird and stupid to people. After spending that sum of money for CPL, this guy says no to the Airlines. It’s not that I hate airlines, but I feel like I am in a mission. And this mission is the only thing that’s driving my life to a more meaningful one. So this Aviation is not a added glamour to my life, I don’t want to be wearing a pilot dress and getting praise from people for flying planes which is easier than learning a bicycle for the first time.

Ok the promotion part. This started from Pilot Training. I can now officially be called a Pilot. This made me more confident to make videos on the youtube with the name Captain Sovit. This name has nothing to do with me and pilot training though. This looked catchy so I put it. The name doesn’t matter. The plan is much more serious than what I want to be called as.

My training is almost finished and it was exactly as I planned few years ago. The videos, the content that I posted, they were all pre-planned and they were a success. That was the first step. Now, there is a pilot from Nepal who does the aviation content stuff online. Done !

Now part 2. I will try to add more content about pilot training. This will be done by me being a Certified Instructor. Two Nepalese in a cockpit would make more sense to watch too. This will give me more chance to add aviation videos while preparing for what’s next. Somewhere in the middle, I am planning to go for my Paraglider License. This will make me more stronger “aviationally”. So there is a possibility of paraglider vlogs in my channel. Maybe its already there. Check HERE.

Paraglider vlogs are the first step towards general aviation for people. The purpose of paragliding training vlog will be to aware people that they can fly at the cost of their dirt bikes. After that, the plan is to promote aviation by making them look easy to people. For that, we will make celebrities fly. First one on my list is, of course, Sisan Baniya. Somewhere in the list, we have Sir Rajesh Hamal. Imagine them landing planes. My family, friends, aviation enthusiasts who could not afford training, everyone has the right to fly.

After flying with all the famous guys or maybe somewhere in the middle, I would love to fly training aircrafts in Nepal. Finger Crossed. Lets hope for an aviation school to be operated in Nepal. I would be so happy to fly there. Now it may or may not be opened in Nepal. But after either one, the biggest dream of my life, the biggest project of my life, the reason that it all started, the reason I risked everything, the reason of me, will start turning into a reality.


Believe it or not, everything that I am doing has a string leading to the paramotors. Why paramotors ? Because they are the easiest method to fly a cross-country. They can be made easily accessible. They can be used in emergencies, basic transportation, flying in leisure, adventure sports, tourism and they cost you less than a random car in Nepal. They are safe and they give you the ability to fly through mountains. Paramotors are actually made for Nepal.

That will be started as an aviation content to promote aviation. But with time, that will transform into aviation content to promote Nepal. Tourism is the next target, adventure tourism through aviation to be exact.

Now there are places in Nepal that are more beautiful than heaven. I have most of their names but I have never travelled there. I have said no to many beautiful destinations until now because I wanted to have that strong drive to explore their skies. I never went to Badimalika even when I had the chance. I never thought of Manang Mustang. I never went to Gosainkunda. I have promised myself to go there in a paramotor. There is a whole plan, the maps, altitudes, weather in different months, distance, stops for most of my projects. They are in my PC already. I am just waiting for the right time. This will happen.

I have the names of those places in my instagram highlights named “to conquer”. Those are the empires to conquer. Those are the unexplored skies I want to show to the world. Let me know if you checked them.

Sometimes, these things seem impossible to me. But that’s what I wanted and that’s how it started. So I have to and I will give my everything to make it possible. If this happens to be easier than what I thought, I have other plans too add. Bush planes, Wing Suit… it goes on and on and on.

This blog was not shared anywhere. Thank you for finding it.



Captain Sovit

A guy who thinks there are plenty of things which are yet to be discovered in Nepalese Sky