Nepalese Student Pilot, A Day in the Life (THE TRUTH)

Captain Sovit
2 min readMay 7, 2023


You might have seen some videos in the internet of pilots living a day in their life. When there are many videos made on that same topic, being a Nepalese student pilot, I can say that most of them are over-exaggerated. They are not a lie but they are polished to look and sound better. Still, it’s clearly not the whole story.

In this blog, I am going to write about a day in the life of a Nepalese student pilot, in The Philippines.

I completed my training from Asian Institute Of Aviation, Philippines. It took me around 15 months to do it. It was fun, it was expensive, it was hell of an experience. I mean, 10,000 ft inside a freaking box, what the hell ? I flew 200 hours total in 15 months, so we can understand that we don’t fly here everyday. Flying, ground classes and waiting for documents makes it a 15 months long training. But for the sake of this blog, I will write about a day when I fly.

Before waking up in the morning, lets talk about sleeping. We rarely sleep 8 hours. Most of us try to make it more than 6 or at least 6. There are some stories where my friends go flying without even taking a nap at night. Coffee and cigarettes, a toxic combo. And sometimes on a hangover because of the party last night. Yeah, this is also a hidden page in the story.

We can get flight schedules for any time from morning to evening. Flying is fun, very fun. Even though we get scolded sometimes, it is fun. It’s an amazing feeling every single time. After flight, we go to school for some post flight paperworks and post flight briefing. After an hour, we come home dead tired. Nothing to eat sometimes, we order food from online. Sometimes, we cook, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes we also survive on only noodles for days.

Except this, there are a lot of ups and downs here in the school. Internal heated situations among students, too much alcohol and excessive parties are also a chapter where I took part. Aircraft incidents which are funny but still “incidents” are kept a secret. We are just, very good at it. Haha !!!

This is just a normal day where we wake up, eat and fly. Each flight is a different one, a different experience, a different story. It’s impossible to cover each one here. But after each flight, we feel like our wings are growing bigger and bigger. We feel more professional after each termination of flightplan. And if you ask me, I would definitely suggest you to be a pilot.




Captain Sovit

A guy who thinks there are plenty of things which are yet to be discovered in Nepalese Sky