Start of my Paragliding Journey

Captain Sovit
3 min readDec 10, 2022


When I was 16 years old, I had a Goal of becoming a footballer. During that time, I had no clue what the steps were to become a professional Footballer. All I knew was how to play basic football. At that time, when I was in sheer confusion, I happened to find some connections that led me to a national coach, Yagya Shrestha, who would train me for free. I didn’t search, I found. I then had the general idea of what exactly the steps were that would help me go national. Now, the fact that I was kicked out in the first round of selection is a different story. The point I want to make here is that, in my life, whatever I wanted to do, the path was made for me somehow. All that fate and destiny sh#t that I don’t believe.

This is the biggest reason for my happiness in my life. I always got what I wanted, what I planned, what I thought, like, law of attraction worked for me.

My goals changed like seasons until I started having interest in Aviation. Even after that, my interest evolved. I first wanted to be an Airline Pilot, then I wanted to be a vlogger, then I wanted to be a Pilot Vlogger, then a General Aviation Pilot, then a General Aviation Pilot Vlogger. And now, at present, I want to be a General Aviation Pilot Vlogger who flies paramotor and promotes General Aviation and Tourism through General Aviation (damn).

But then there was a problem. Just like the 16 years old me who didn’t have any clue about the process of Football Selection Ladder, the 22 years old me was also unaware of the para-world. But as I said, whatever I wanted in my life, I got. The path was automatically manifested for me to walk on. All I had to do was make efforts. I never had to worry about the opportunities, I only had to worry about spending my energy on it.

2021. COVID 19. Lockdown. I sit in my room doing nothing like rest of the world. I am stuck on my journey of becoming a pilot. The plan of going for Paragliding Training is merely a dream with lack of knowledge and idea about it. But I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. And then it was, one evening, I was scrolling Instagram when I happened to, out of no where, see a picture of someone on a Paraglider. I didn’t know who he was. I had no idea about his life story. But he was in a paraglider in the photograph. And my hands couldn’t stop typing him messages.

Aditya. Although his name, it sounded like something else in my ears. It was more like “Yagya Shrestha”, the football coach to that 16 years old me. Aditya was a Nepalese Private Pilot from South Africa. And he was a paraglider pilot in Nepal. That was all I knew about him and now, even at present, that is the only thing I know about him. I haven’t met him, I haven’t seen him, not even in pictures as there are no clear pictures of him in his social media. But little does he know how he held my hands and make me walk through the initial confusion of para-world. Little does he know how he lit the flames on the dry hope of mine. I am still not in Paragliding World until this day but just like the young me who had clear plans of becoming an airline pilot, I have all the ideas and set goals that will start right after I complete my CPL. This blog is also a “Thank you” to Adi. Sometimes, you don’t know how influential you are to others, sometimes you don’t know how powerful a little help can be.

This Story WILL continue…



Captain Sovit

A guy who thinks there are plenty of things which are yet to be discovered in Nepalese Sky